Category Archives: Data Analysis

Various Sources of Data Collection-For a Refined Study

Data’s are the collection of some evocative numbers associated on the basis of certain defined parameters. A collection of data’s has a significant role and is an integral part of the research work. It reveals up past records, shows variations throughout its acknowledgement, assist in analytical study of the figures and helps in deciding factors […]

Non-Linear Estimation

Non Linear estimation is used to compute the relationship that exists between a set of independent variables and one dependent variable. For instance, the researcher may want to compute the relationship that exists between the dose of drugs and its effectiveness, the relationship that exists between training and subsequent performance of a task and the […]

The Most widely used Correlation Coefficient

The most widely used Correlation Co efficient is Pearson r. it is also called as linear or product moment correlation. Simple Linear Correlation: the Pearson Correlation assumes that both the variables get to be measured at the least interval scales and it also determines the extent to which both the values are proportionate to each […]


These are two different statistical methods and are put to use for the comparison of means ANOVA ANOVA stands for the Analysis of Variance”. In the field of statistics when we compare or two or more means at the same time we use the statistical method which is called ANOVA. It gives values and results […]

Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis: How much are they similar?

Principal Component Analysis Principal Component analysis is the procedure that helps in the identification of a smaller number of uncorrelated variables. These are called the principal components and are derived from a large set of data. The purpose of principal component analysis is to further explain the maximum amount of variance with the fewest number […]

Creating output from Qualitative Data

Often people are found wondering, how would the output of qualitative data look like? Often researchers are of the opinion that the presentation of quantitative data is better as compared to the qualitative data. What is important in analysis of qualitative data is that apart from having an analytical and logical mind, it is important […]

Collecting Information: Means and Ways

If we have to understand how the people we are interested in, think on a specific topic, we need to conduct a survey. They are brief interviews with individuals on a specific topic. The way the researcher writes his questions so that different types of information can be collected, can be classified into various ways. […]

How to Speak and Act with Data

Whatever be the industry or the nature of the business, different quality management tools and programs that range from lean, six sigma, Kaizen, ISO. They have something universally common and that is their dependency on data. That is their fundamental dependency. Even though the approaches and the techniques, time span and other details of these […]

The merits of Univariate Analysis

Students who are doing projects involving statistical analysis often face the question of what kind of tests they should conduct to derive the hidden meanings behind the numbers they have collected. The students are given the choice of a plethora of methods in data analysis. Some of them choose to use complex techniques, while others […]

SPSS and Excel: Differences

SPSS is software that has been used for doing statistical analysis with ease. Along with the analysis part, it is also useful for data access and preparation, graphics, modelling and analytical reporting. At the time that this software was launched, it was called the statistical package for social sciences. Soon after its release in the […]